
There's a great new example which includes socring, high scores & sounds.

Check out chapter 008 - 001 example

It's like a bad version of Flappy Bird & uses Flappy Bird score board. Check it out!


There's a new code sample to try out.
And it almost feels like a game.
Although it is the most difficult game you'll probably ever play.
Try out the sample from Chapter 007 - 003 to see what I mean.
You have to move the character's head right over the circle but when you do the circle will disappear & you will get 10 points. There are 100 circles so see if you can get the max of 1,000 points to win. It's terrible & difficult. :)

video of game play


Get all the source at my github repo.

Book is coming soon

The book (Make Games With JS) will show you how to make games that you can share with your friends by simply sending them a link they can visit in their browsers.

The latest example is playable in your mobile browser. Try it out now by visiting the new chapter sample in Chapter 7 (files listed at link below).


Try The Samples

I've got the samples up through chapter six. Try them out.

See list of all examples.


Coming soon...

Make Games With JavaScript - The Book